Tips clean it Tooth Rock easily

time my in share about our tooth healthing. you who has badness to difficult clean it your tooth. don't break off hope here exist his tips to to clean it the dirty tooth rock. okey direct just we scrutinize

 Tips clean it Tooth Rock easily
Tips clean it Tooth Rock easily
tooth Rock is mineral deposit yellow colory or chocolate that to patch to tooth, that can to caused periodontitas, especially if to be let so just without there is effort to to clean it.
To to lose tooth rock, people's the most of will go to doctor, but actually, You also can to do this procedure self at home. But necessary ones be remembered is, this way will not lose the as fast as-tooth rock be done by doctor tooth.
To to lose rock that to stack, exist some choices curing.
the Materials that to be needed is:
·         Hidrogen peroksida
·         Water
·         Bubuk cake soda
·         Salt
·         mouth Antiseptik washer
·         Dental pick
·         tooth Brush
Its way: Mix it one hidrogen peroksida cup with 1/2 the warm water cup, then rinse with mixing mentioned as long as one minute. Throw, then bilas with 1/2 the cold water cup.
the Material that publicest and effective to to remove it tooth rock is baking soda.
Mix it 1 spoon ate baking soda with 1/2 salt tea spoon in cup. Then, soak tooth brush in warm water and dip it in mixing.
Begin the tooth to brush You use it mixing mentioned. Entire process must be done as long as 5 minute. mouth Bilas with mouth antiseptik washer. Use it dental pick to to clean it rock to tooth. Do with be careful, so that don't scrape off and to damage your gum.

To to get it basin white tooth pearl and the beautiful smile to come along tips under this:
1.  keju's Consumption. keju Swiss Consumption is or cheddar before eat, the mentioned matter will assist to neutral it acid of chapterer tooth rock. 
Tips clean it Tooth Rock easily  
2. Stroberi and tomato. Tomato and stroberi is fruit who antonished it to to watch mouth healthing, because its second rich will vitamin C. Its second able to whiten it tooth and to soft it tooth rock. Enough rub it direct of tomato and stroberi to tooth and shut up it as long as 5 minute. 
 Tips clean it Tooth Rock easily
You can to do way same ones, to use it other food that also rich vitamin C, like jeruk to thin, jeruk, lemon, paprika and papaya. that After, your bilas mouth to use it mixing that made from baking soda and warm water.

To followed tips to to watch mouth healthing:
You must arranged to use it tooth thread. Clean it your mouth naturaly to use it water the saliva that be triggered from hot food that will result it saliva kelenjar.
To to prevent flowery bacteria breed, rub tooth to use it skin jeruk before sleep without dibilas. While to brush tooth, use it brush the soft tooth and for moving of vertical. Ascertain it to always to clean it space between gum and tooth.

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